Elon Musk and Tesla are keen to retain their mantel of being the best and most complete manufacturer of electric vehicles. In recent months they have been attacked on all sides by other manufacturers trying to get in on the act and providing products from established manufacturing centres. Tesla did buy the NUMMI plant in Fremont, just south of San Francisco, however they had … [Read more...]
Nissan Also Cutting Production Jobs
The automotive industry is in a state of flux at the moment - more so than any other year. There is a push for new technologies yet the factories are still geared to building older designs and several refreshed models from the big three in the US are putting pressure on the foreign manufacturers. Earlier this year, Nissan announced that it was trimming shifts at one of its … [Read more...]
Nikola Motors Electric Hydrogen Trucks
Nikola Motors and Tesla Inc have several things in common. Possibly the most obvious - for those of us interested in history - is Nikola Tesla, a very famous electrical engineer who designed an AC powered induction motor, a radio controlled boat and really helped define the alternating current structure that we all use today. As an aside, Nikola Tesla was one of millions of … [Read more...]