These were "commuting" days. Day 3 The day started at the Hummingbird Eco Lodge in Red Hill. This is a small establishment that is tucked away in a small valley and they grow their own vegetables, source local and sustainable produce including beer(!) and cater to small conferences and regular guests. It was very peaceful and the restaurant is worth a visit even if you don't … [Read more...]
Road Trip #2 Day 2
Day 2 started out chilly but sunny from Myrtleford. It was 8C and crisp. I filled the tank and then mine at Delizie Cafe which was a great breakfast. The food is fresher and tastier in the country! Unforgiving I left Myrtleford on the B500 heading to Bairnsdale and this took me through Bright where everyone appeared to be wearing shorts - they must breed them tough in town! … [Read more...]
Road Trip #2 Day 1
So it was time for another road trip. This time south and in the car as I will be picking up my fiance from south of Melbourne. As I am touring, it made sense to take the GT - a Grand Tourer of the old school, built in Europe and designed to cross continents with ease. Day 1 An early start was needed as it was going to be a long drive. 6:00am seemed like a good time and I … [Read more...]